Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo 7- Still Life

For the last photo assignment I did Still life/ product. I went around and found things with unique shapes and color ranges and took photos of them. It took some time but I got some good ones. This week I also decided to experiment with the effects and editing because I felt the pictures looked cooler with it.  I learned that Its easy to take still life pictures as long as you have the right light.

ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/10
Aperture: 2.75


Friday, June 3, 2011


For the visual puns we had to make it ended up being like the visual dictionary assignment. I learned how to better my techniques in gimp.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


For the black & white assignment I did, I went around taking random shots. I really liked this photo I chose because it had a large variety of tones. It really emphasizes the black & white assignment. I learned that not all pictures look good in black & white, so its not a easy assignment but it gets easier as you go. 

ISO: 80
Shutter Speed: 1/1000

Monday, May 23, 2011

Color Splash!

For this assignment I chose to do my own type of picture. I chose to do pop color or called color splash. I had to find things where there were many varieties of colors and I it took awhile but I found some. I chose this picture as my favorite because it had a lot of elements I liked, I liked how it was off to the side and only the blue sprinkles showed. I learned that color splash pictures are very hard to take because you cant just take a picture and change it. You have to focus on how the color splash works with it.
Aperture: 6
Shutter: 1/30

Friday, May 20, 2011


For this assignment we had to take two different pictures to compare the different lightings. One was light from a window and one was a set up studio lighting. I learned that both have different effects but I really like the window lighting much better!

Monday, May 16, 2011


The food photography assignment I did was of all different foods in my house the hardest part was getting the lighting right! After awhile I got use to the camera and acme out with a few good photos.  I learned that food photography has many different angles you can take. Its easier to work with food because it doesn't move but its hard to do anything creative with it.
ISO: 80
Aperture: 6
Shutter Speed: 1/30