Friday, April 29, 2011

Photo Retouch


With the Photo Retouch assignment we learned how photo retouching is big business! We went through all  the steps to learn how to create a perfect retouched image to enhance the qualities.  We had to learn how to explore gimp and use cropping and we also had to change the levels.  We learned some of the basic and "somewhat advanced" photo editing techniques.  We will be able to use them in different projects to strengthen our photography stills like we did with this car.

Monday, April 25, 2011


For this assignment I picked to do the Architecture option. I Traveled to Frankenmuth, Michigan and took many photos of the unique buildings.  I tried to highlight the buildings with the features you just don't see everyday.  I went around looking and really liked these ones I choose. The photo Right below was my top pick! It really showed the creativity it took to design these buildings all around the city. These pictures hold a strong influence of Franconian : which are building techniques mostly used in Germany. 
ISO: 80
Shutter speed: 1/800
Aperture: 4

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gimp Assignment

The Gimp assignment we did was a way to explore Gimp the photo editing site. This photo was based on“Creating an Andy Warhol-like Effect.”  You might know him from his paintings using a screen technique, he has done these paintings of famous people and even a soup can! We then used techniques we just learned to create this effect. We practiced the use of layers and resizing the canvas. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Composition Assignment

Assignment Description;For this assignment, we learned 11 easy teachniques to help us take better photographs. We had 11 elements which included lines, pattern, depth of field, texture, rule of thirds, symmetry, color, balance , perspective, frame, and space. From these easy skills we were able to go around looking for things to catch our creative minds. This assignment we had to think about the picture and not just press a simple button. We lead the camera to create the art of a great picture full of perfect composition. We focused on making the art of an exposure, which made our photos more interesting and just drawing eyes tords them.   

Photo Descriptions;
-Lines- Sign by the school
-Pattern- Atlantis ceiling
-Depth of field- sunchips suspended in water
-Texture- My doggy
-Rule of Thirds- Shoes hung in the tree
-Symmetry- Walmart hall
-Color- Sign
-Balance- banana shadow
-Perspective- car front
-Frame- cruise play set & girl
-Space- pepsi bottle

From this project, I learned how to change my perspective when I take photographs. I learned the elements I need to make it more artistic and stay away from the simple snapshots. Im going to beable to branch out and be creative when it comes to photography. From these simple tools, I learned to make photos look professional and more interesting to view.